Monday, October 17, 2011

[SPAZZ] YOOCHUN'S HABITS -- Part 1: My pants are falling off!!!

6002SKY's explanation: He has no ass, so the most basic function of his ass (to keep his pants in place) is a no-do xDDDDDD...


Cre: As tagged + MickyBaidu
Posted by: JPhylls
Shared by: 6002SKY Team
Please remove with FULL and UNCHANGED credits ^^!!!


  1. can i share this in fans base of micky on facebook ? >___<

  2. Yes you can ^^~ Plz keep the credits ^^~ Thank you...

  3. Nobody ever mentions this, so I am so happy to have it pointed out. I always know what Yuchun's underwear waist band looks like, but have never once seen Junsu's in a performance. Obvious difference is - that one body part.

  4. i notice something other than this too ! he like to touch his nose while on interview etc? haha and some chinese chunsa made gif from the video like he was picking his nose. lol

  5. "grasps his pant, touches his nose and bites his lip"
    Cute ^_________^

    Thanks admins

    By the way, really love background song
    "What are words" my heart goes for Chris and his fiance.

  6. This concept is absolutely brilliant. Put a spotlight on the guy's quirks and proclivities - can anything else be more fun?

    And from the looks of it, you are off to a great start. This habit is just too endearing, and much, much too entertaining, not to be enjoyed.

    I look forward to new discoveries and "enlightenment" you will provide. ***

  7. hahaha I can't stop laugh due 6002SKY's conclusion!

    PS. Sorry Chunnie, but we are right kkk

  8. Thank you, admins!^^
    Our boy's too thin!!

  9. Hehe, his pants just won't stay up. He and I share the same problem. :D

    ~Aloha Ducky
